Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Stem Cells

Pros and Cons

What is Stem Cell Research?

A really Good Website about Stem Cells

I found all of my information here when I did a project on Stem Cells with Alexis and it really helped me understand what they are and it really answers every question you would ever have about them :)

Links about Gene Therapy and Immunotherapy

Gene Therapy
http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Therapy/Gene *This one is really good*

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Should ideology impact science?

I believe that ideology should drive science to a certain degree. Because if you put limits on what we should find out by putting ideology before science we might not reach our full potential. I believe that there should be some thought of our morals while we gain better knowledge of science because if we throw ideology totally out of the loop in science then we might go over the top on what our first intention was. Such as Stem Cell research. I think that we should go as far as we need to help people but we shouldn't go as far a cloning people because out original intention with stem cell research is to cure diseases not make stem cells an economic market for example making custom babies.